BRIC[S] panel at Columbia University

BRIC[S] for better or worse are first and foremost individual countries and we are reminded of that view in this high caliber panel here with remarks from an impressive panel.

There seems to be a slowly dawning agreement, at least among economists, that abbreviations while helpful for analogies and easy reference, lose their appeal as robust analytical tools. Here, indeed, as Otaviano Canuto suggests, absolute economy’s size, on a scale of millions pulled out of poverty, new infrastructure developments, increased access to education & better healthcare facilities [though minor perhaps if compared to advanced economies], might actually matter  more as opposed to just speed of economic change.

That insight is valid on the basis of diverse growth and development patterns over the past decade among BRIC[S] and other emerging economies.Here’s my modest take on these issues in relation to Russia’s gradual economic transformation, published earlier in 2013 from an international business & economic perspective…