Does diaspora matter?
What’s often seen as a diaspora from the outside, is a “dispersion” to those on the inside.
This page lists some of my recent work on “Diaspora and Development” topic.
Working papers, comments, policy reports
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2023. Diaspora: identity, trust, engagement infrastructure and socio-economic development in the homeland. The Armenian Weekly. (October 11) Available online:
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2023. A non-technical take on possible economic measures in the wake of Armenia’s humanitarian crisis.
- [POLICY REPORT] Gevorkyan A. V. 2023. Enhancing Development through Diaspora Engagement in Armenia. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Yerevan. Available online:
- [POLICY REPORT] Gevorkyan, A.V. 2022. “Chapter 6: Leveraging the diaspora for innovation-driven sustainable development.” in Innovation for Sustainable Development: Review of Moldova. UNECE.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2021. Diaspora bonds: can success be replicated? SSRN Working Paper (Jan 5)
- Diaspora Bond – presentation (March 5, 2021), click here.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2020. Diaspora and Small Country Economic Development SSRN Working Paper (Dec 4)
- “Armenian Diaspora Survey early results – Home country engagement” – Presentation at Armenia 2018 conference: VIDEO [start at 53:00]
- General view on Diaspora Bond
- A comment on recent Diaspora Bond initiative in Pakistan
Relevant publications
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2024. Why Take the 2024 Armenian Diaspora Online Survey? The Armenian Mirror Spectator (January 29, 2024)
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2023. Diaspora: identity, trust, engagement infrastructure and socio-economic development in the homeland. The Armenian Weekly. (October 11) Available online:
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2023. A non-technical take on possible economic measures in the wake of Armenia’s humanitarian crisis.
- Gevorkyan A. V. 2023. Enhancing Development through Diaspora Engagement in Armenia. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Yerevan. Available online:
- Gevorkyan, A. V. 2022. Diaspora networks? In Sven Horak (ed) Informal Networks in International Business Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 55-73.
- Working paper version – available at SSRN:
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2022. Diaspora Networks and Economic Development at Home: Three Points. EVN Report (July 21)
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2022. Diaspora and Economic Development: A Systemic View. The European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 34: 1522–1541. Full access:
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2021. The frailties of diaspora bonds. Developing Economics (Nov 4)
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2021. Can Diaspora Bonds Supercharge Development Investment? Migration Information Source
- Gevorkyan, A.V. and V. Asriyan. 2021. The Optics of Diaspora Engagement: Learning from Ireland in Armenia. Repat Armenia (Apr 27)
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2019. Lessons From an Armenian Diaspora Online Survey A Diaspora Portal and Non-Monetary Development Initiatives in Small Economies. EVN Report (May 16)
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2019. A Diaspora-Portal as a door to knock on for non-monetary development in small economies (approx 900 words), read here (Noyan Tapan, April 20, 2019)
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2017. Development and diversity: the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ Armenian diaspora at the present stage. (in Russian) Caucasus Institute Working Paper. May 12, 2017.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2016. Development through Diversity: Engaging Armenia’s New and Old Diaspora. Migration Information Source:
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2015. The legends of the Caucasus: Economic transformation of Armenia and Georgia. International Business Review, Vol 24 (6): 1009–1024.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. and O. Canuto. 2015. Toward a Migration Development Bank for Transition Economies. Huffington Post (June 2). Available online: Reprints on EconoMonitor []; SeekingAlpha []; Omaha Sun Times [].
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2013. Armenian Diaspora. in I. Ness and P. Bellwood (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Oxford: J. Wiley & Sons; Blackwell Publishing Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm038
- Gevorkyan, A.V. and Ar.V. Gevorkyan. 2012 (DOI-2010). Factoring Turbulence out: Diaspora Regulatory Mechanism and Migration Development Bank. International Migration. Vol. 50(1): 96–112. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2010.00606.x
- Gevorkyan, A.V., Ar.V. Gevorkyan, and K. Mashuryan. 2008. Little Job Growth Makes Labor Migration and Remittances the Norm in Post-Soviet Armenia. Migration Information Source:
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2008. Fiscal Policy and Alternative Sources of Public Capital in Transition Economies: the Diaspora Bond. Journal of International Business and Economy, 9(2): 33-61. Alternative full text url, here.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2007. Voprosy regulirovaniya vremennoj trudovoj migracii. (On Regulation of Temporary Labor Migration). Voprosy Ekonomiki, Vol. 9: 147-149.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2007. Dual Citizenship in Armenia: The Nature of the Debate Since Independence. Armenian Journal of Public Policy, Special issue (12/2007): 9-22.
- Gevorkyan, A.V., Ar. Gevorkyan, and K. Mashuryan. 2006. Managed temporary labor migration: case of Armenia and Russia. Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy: GIEP invited publications
- Gevorkyan, A.V., Ar. Gevorkyan, and K. Mashuryan. 2006. Economics of Labor Migration from Armenia: A Conceptual Study. AIPRG Working Paper 06/05 (also here).
- Gevorkyan, A.V. and D.A. Grigorian. 2003. Armenia and its Diaspora: Is there a Scope for a Stronger Economic Link. Armenian Forum, Vol. 3(2): 1-35.