- Caucasus Watch. “Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan: Why Diaspora Bonds Fail” (Nov 3, 2024). https://caucasuswatch.de/en/interviews/aleksandr-v-gevorkyan-why-diaspora-bonds-fail.html
- EmpreSomos Central America. “Diásporas y Desarrollo Económico,” (April 22, 2024). https://youtu.be/x51jcO0-cyA?feature=shared
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Transformative innovation discussion series for Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus, “Episode 3 – Structural growth, innovation, and diaspora: new economic development models in small transition economies,” (April 18, 2024) https://youtu.be/ZPaG3uCcn7Q?feature=shared
- American Economic Association – interview – Aleksandr Gevorkyan on the Lebanese Diaspora: What determines how much diaspora members stay financially engaged with their native country? February 29, 2024 Interview: https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/videos/2024/aleksandr-gevorkyan [alternatively https://vimeo.com/917957578]
- Henry George School of Social Science. 2023. Smart Talk Podcast Episode 97: Development trends in Central Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union states (November 9, 2023) Podcast: https://www.hgsss.org/smart-talk-podcast/#episode_97
- Exploring Diaspora Bonds as a Modern Development Finance Alternative. Henry George School of Social Science – Snapshot. (October 26, 2023) VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Yc6O0Nvy9xI
- Hetq.am, Interview on the Armenian Center of Economic Research, Economists Say New Research Center in Armenia Will Boost Profession’s International Level https://hetq.am/en/article/157908 (July 8, 2023) VIDEO: https://youtu.be/UbEidXM5C3s?t=427
- Public Radio of Armenia, Interview on the diaspora bonds Սփյուռքի տնտեսագետներն ակնկալում են տեղացիների ակտիվությունը՝ համատեղ ուսումնասիրությունների համար
https://hy.armradio.am/?p=501915 (June 27, 2023)
- Orer Armenian European Magazine, Interview in Armenian Ալեքսանդր Գևորկյան. «Կարևոր ձեռքբերում կլինի,եթե մեր առաջարկներն ազդեն այսօրվա ռազմավարական որոշումների վրա» https://orer.eu/hy/2023/07/04/alexander-kevorkian-arajarkner/?fbclid=IwAR1xsZ4APjDLLYKqx7VloLrJbANsw0sTOuZ9VChO5aRrms0kDKBkX-ByhgA (May 11 in print // online July 5, 2023) For English http://agevorkyan.com/2023/05/11/orerspring23/
- The Future Armenian. Interview on the Convention of the Future Armenian. (February 23, 2023) https://youtu.be/oKuObzBCUwI ||| https://futurearmenian.com/video/aleksandr-vgevorkyan-interview/
- Henry George School of Social Science. 2022. Congestion Pricing is Coming to New York City – Is it Fair? Can it Work? – Panel discussion (Nov 15) https://youtu.be/Jdwzd_XxP5M?feature=shared
- CIVILNET. Interview. Does Armenia need a dictatorship? Conversation with professor from St. John’s University (July 13, 2022) https://youtu.be/wTB38DmgCHw
- UNECE Weekly. Innovation Matters podcast explores “Post-Communist Transition 30 Years on: the Importance of Furthering Broad Innovation to Progress Towards Agenda 2030” June 7- 20, 2022 https://mailchi.mp/14bb75493218/weekly-15483556?e=fa49f00b66
- Innovation Matters: Post-Communist Transition 30 years on, The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) podcast (June 8, 2022) https://soundcloud.com/unece/innovation-matters-post-communist-transition-30-years-on
- Reason.com. Interview. Remittances Bolster—and Limit—Armenia’s Potential by Liz Wolfe (December 2021) https://reason.com/2021/11/04/remittances-bolster-and-limit-armenias-potential/
- The Future Armenian (July 12, 2021) “Network nation: combining a physical state with a global network” with Yeva Aleksanyan and Asbed Kotchikian https://futurearmenian.com/event/network-nation-combining-a-physical-state-with-a-global-network/
- Henry George School of Social Science. Smart Talk interview with Dr. Charles M.A. Clark (August 25, 2020) https://youtu.be/aeDHI1pWhjg
- The Torch. Media mention: “Nobel Laureate, Esther Duflo Shares Economic Solutions for Pressing Global Issues” by Cara Yesko (Dec 8, 2019) https://www.torchonline.com/news/2019/12/08/nobel-laureate-esther-duflo-shares-economic-solutions-for-pressing-global-issues/
- The Armenian Weekly Media update “Diaspora-Armenia Relations Dominate Fordham University Forum” (Dec 4, 2019) https://armenianweekly.com/2019/12/04/diaspora-armenia-relations-dominate-fordham-university-forum/
- AESA Media update: “NYC forum on Diaspora cooperation with the Republic of Armenia” (Nov 30, 2019).
- St. John’s University Media. Media mention: Nobel Laureate Discusses the Power of Economics to Stop Poverty, Ensure Progress (Nov 26, 2019) https://www.stjohns.edu/about/news/2019-11-26/nobel-laureate-discusses-power-economics-stop-poverty-ensure-progress
- St. John’s University Media. Good Reads: The Favorite Books of St. John’s Faculty—Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, Ph.D. (Nov 22, 2019) https://www.stjohns.edu/about/news/2019-11-22/good-reads-favorite-books-st-johns-faculty-aleksandr-v-gevorkyan-phd
- American University of Armenia. Media update: “AUA Public Lecture on Economics of AI and Integral Human Development” (July 26, 2019) https://newsroom.aua.am/2019/07/26/aua-economics-of-artificial-intelligence/
- Russian Armenian University. Press Release (Rus) and Media Update (Engl): Summer School: Armenia in the context of perspectives of developing relations between EU and EEU, (July 19, 2019)
- 2019 Alumni Summer Reading List, The New School’s Academic Year in Books 2018-19: Alumni, The New School. (June 13, 2019).
- New Books Network, interview. New Books Network, podcast here (December 7, 2018).
- St. John’s Business Magazine. media profile. Economic Lessons. St. John’s Business Magazine, Fall 2018. https://www.stjohns.edu/sites/default/files/tcb/fall18_gevorkyan.pdf
- St. John’s University. media appearance, Tobin development economist discusses policy at World Bank. St. John’s University News. (Oct 29, 2018). https://goo.gl/hLE9dj
- Armenian Public TV interview / media appearance. Follow up to the WB presentation, 1-minute segment here and original source here. (Oct 20, 2018)
- Hetq.am media appearance, “Reflections on the “Armenia – Diaspora” Panel at the “Armenia 2018: Realities and Perspectives” Conference” Hetq.am (June 26,2018) https://hetq.am/en/article/90671
- The Armenian Weekly Press Release on Transition Economies book New Book Analyzes Economic Histories of Post-Socialist Countries” The Armenian Weekly (May 15, 2018) https://goo.gl/X3NXZL
- Quote in The New School Research Matters, “Professor Willi Semmler Unpacks the Economics of Climate Change” New York, NY (Oct 9, 2017). http://socialresearchmatters.org/professor-willi-semmler-unpacks-the-economics-of-climate-change/
- Armenia TV News media appearance, “Emerging markets and post-socialist economic transformation. Armenia in broader context,” Armenia TV News, Yerevan, Armenia. (July 31, 2017). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BybtQmumBoA
- Caucasus Institute invited Guest Talk, “Emerging markets and post-socialist economic transformation. Armenia in broader context,” Caucasus Institute, Yerevan, Armenia. (July 31, 2017). Press release: http://c-i.am/?page_id=5831
- Finagent.am media appearance, “Emerging markets and post-socialist economic transformation. Armenia in broader context,” www.finagent.am, Yerevan, Armenia. (July 31, 2017). https://finagent.am/en/news-timeline/1834-armenia-against-the-backdrop-of-the-global-economy
- Kentron TV media appearance, “Emerging markets and post-socialist economic transformation. Armenia in broader context,” Kentron TV News, Yerevan, Armenia. (July 31, 2017). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4LhLHyYSjA&feature=youtu.be&t=1605
- Shant TV media appearance, “Emerging markets and post-socialist economic transformation. Armenia in broader context,” Shant TV News, Yerevan, Armenia. (July 31, 2017). https://www.shanttv.com/news/broadcasting/horizon2200-31072017.html
- AM media appearance, “Emerging markets and post-socialist economic transformation. Armenia in broader context,” www.tert.am, Yerevan, Armenia. (July 31, 2017). http://www.tert.am/am/news/2017/07/31/gevorgyan/2446226
- Interview: Comments on commodity trade / emerging markets & transition economies development. Video. Armenia Public Television. March 13, 2017
- Featured / Research Profiled: “Sovereign debt crises more likely, new mechanisms needed says UNCTAD” In CPI Financial, Oct 31, 2016: https://goo.gl/BgYJ0k
- Research profiled in a story: “New solutions needed to tackle mounting sovereign debt crisis: UN agency” The Nation (Pakistan). October 28, 2016 https://goo.gl/B5ZOu2
- Featured / Research Profiled: “SDGs at risk from “mounting sovereign debt crises”, says UN” in Public Finance International, Oct 27, 2016: https://goo.gl/cdoavW
- Featured / Research Profiled: “Sovereign debt crises more likely, new mechanisms needed (UNCTAD)” in tralac’s Daily News Selection. Oct 27, 2016 https://goo.gl/sQiC73
- Featured / Research Profiled: “New solutions needed to tackle mounting sovereign debt crisis – UN trade and development agency.” in UN News Center, New York, NY. Oct. 26, 2016. https://goo.gl/mpcT7K also in UNCTAD https://goo.gl/ONDHQ9
- Featured Q&A: “What Is to Blame for Suriname’s Economic Woes?” in Latin America Advisor, Oct 21, 2016: https://goo.gl/oINBI3
- Featured story Debt and Sub-Saharan Africa on The Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis Blog, Oct 18, 2016: http://tinyurl.com/jumbh8g
- Interview and comments: “O que Temer precisa fazer para que o país volte a criar empregos,” by Luis Lima in EPOCA Globo, Aug 31, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/jtu28a9
- Featured / Research Profiled: “Online Diaspora Questionnaire seeks insight into Armenian mentality” in PanArmenian.net, January 27, 2016: https://goo.gl/zBjSFc
- Interview and comments: “Why do Staten Island workers settle for smaller paychecks in top trades?” by Tracey Porpora in Staten Island Advance, Jan 16, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/jz8l6b2
- Research Profiled: “Führende Politiker für besseren Umgang mit Flüchtlingen. Die Top-Themen des Tages.” In ONE.org June 22, 2015: https://goo.gl/E7adLz
- Featured / Research Profiled: “Migranten als Investoren” in Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 20, 2015: https://goo.gl/wdp1dv
- “Toward a Migration Development Bank for Transition Economies” cited by L.A. Moreno of Inter American Development Bank on Twitter, June 3, 2015. http://tinyurl.com/nnronnf
- Featured “Toward a Migration Development Bank for Transition Economies” in Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis “A Call for a Migration Development Bank” SCEPA blog entry. July 1, 2015 http://tinyurl.com/pe5patl
- Interview and economic impact of winter storm analysis: “Meteorologists: Sorry about getting that blizzard thing wrong,” by Chris Perez, Yaron Steinbuch and Bruce Golding in New York Post, Jan 27, 2015 http://tinyurl.com/k9t3xqf