Hawk’s nest along the Delaware River, NY (2024) AVGevorkyan
Gevorkyan, A.V. 2025. Primary commodity and economic development of small open economies. Monetary Policy Institute Blog #165 (Jan 27, 2025). Gevorkyan, A.V. 2024. Emerging markets macroeconomic development is not an ‘aside’ Prose on the Rocks. Substack. (Dec 20, 2024). Gevorkyan, A.V. 2024. The overlooked: small open post-socialist economies in between the Global North and Global South . Prose on the Rocks. Substack. (Dec 6, 2024). Gevorkyan, A.V. 2024. We need surveys to capture the Armenian diaspora’s complexity . The Armenian Weekly. (Nov 19) Available online: Gevorkyan, A.V. 2024. Why Take the 2024 Armenian Diaspora Online Survey? The Armenian Mirror Spectator (January 29, 2024) Gevorkyan, A.V. 2023. Diaspora: identity, trust, engagement infrastructure and socio-economic development in the homeland. The Armenian Weekly. (October 11) Available online: https://armenianweekly.com/2023/10/11/diaspora-identity-trust-engagement-infrastructure-and-socio-economic-development-in-the-homeland/ Gevorkyan, A.V. 2023. A non-technical take on possible economic measures in the wake of Armenia’s humanitarian crisis. CIVILNET.am https://www.civilnet.am/en/news/753327/a-non-technical-take-on-possible-economic-measures-in-the-wake-of-armenias-humanitarian-crisis/ Gevorkyan, A.V. and T. Khemraj. 2023. Back to the future: gold in international reserves as a new stabilizer (again!) of exchange rate systems. SUERF – The European Money and Finance Forum, Policy Brief, No 604 https://www.suerf.org/suer-policy-brief/68445/back-to-the-future-gold-in-international-reserves-as-a-new-stabilizer-again-of-exchange-rate-systems (June 9, 2023). Gevorkyan, A.V. 2022. Diaspora Networks and Economic Development at Home: Three Points. EVN Report (July 21) https://evnreport.com/economy/diaspora-networks-and-economic-development-at-home-three-points/ Gevorkyan, A.V. 2021. Small economies require new development model. Financial Times, November 5, 2021 p.16. [PDF ] Gevorkyan, A.V. 2021. The frailties of diaspora bonds. Developing Economics (Nov 4) https://developingeconomics.org/2021/11/04/the-frailties-of-diaspora-bonds/ Gevorkyan, A.V. and V. Asriyan. 2021. The Optics of Diaspora Engagement: Learning from Ireland in Armenia. Repat Armenia (Apr 27) http://repatarmenia.org/en/engage/inspiration/a/the-optics-of-diaspora-engagement-learning-from-ireland-in-armenia Оптика взаимодействия с диаспорой: изучение опыта Ирландии в Армении [in Russian ] Gevorkyan, A. V. and K. Dziedzicki. 2020. The loud echo of post-socialist economic “transition” amidst the pandemic. Focus Economics. Invited Blog (Oct 5) https://www.focus-economics.com/blog/posts/the-loud-echo-of-post-socialist-economic-transition-amidst-the-pandemic [short url https://bit.ly/34yK9kt ] Gevorkyan, A. V., Gadhoke, P., Freiberg, T. L. 2020. A path to Global Social and Economic Resilience . New York City: Henry George School of Social Science Opinion Piece (Aug 28). https://www.hgsss.org/a-path-to-global-social-and-economic-resilience/ Gevorkyan, A.V. 2020. We need to adapt past experience to the present situation, Financial Times, April 21, 2020 p. 14. [PDF ] Gevorkyan, A.V. 2020. The tunes of economic change. Mediamax (Jan 8) https://mediamax.am/en/column/121058/ Gevorkyan, A.V. 2020. Տնտեսական վերափոխման հնչյունները անցումային տնտեսություններում. Mediamax (Jan 8) https://mediamax.am/am/column/121058/ Gevorkyan, A.V. and N. Sharpe 2019. How the Digital Economy is Transforming Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Next Billion (Sept 20) https://t.co/I3XXEtAAse?amp=1 Gevorkyan, A.V. 2019. Roots of CEE economic success were planted in postwar industrialization. Financial Times , June 14, 2019 p.10 [PDF ] Gevorkyan, A.V. 2019. Lessons From an Armenian Diaspora Online Survey A Diaspora Portal and Non-Monetary Development Initiatives in Small Economies. EVN Report (May 16) https://www.evnreport.com/raw-unfiltered/lessons-from-an-armenian-diaspora-online-survey Gevorkyan, A.V. 2019. A Diaspora-Portal as a door to knock on for non-monetary development in small economies: a diaspora policy proposal based on an Armenian Diaspora Online Survey. Noyan Tapan (April 20) http://nt.am/en/news/267487/ Gevorkyan, A.V. 2018. How History Matters in Post-Socialist Economies. Development Economics Blog. Developing Economics https://goo.gl/xyYXQw Gevorkyan, A.V. and T. Khemraj. 2018. How We Learned Not to Say No to Gold… In International Reserves. Developing Economics https://goo.gl/gwtkYU Gevorkyan, A. V. and Kvangraven, I. H. 2016. The Trouble with Sub-Saharan African Debt. Interfima (Oct 10). Available online: https://goo.gl/fz6U9t ; Reprints on Developing Economics https://goo.gl/Gks9Zi ; Seeking Alpha (Editor’s Pick) https://goo.gl/sVB75S ; Nasdaq.com https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/trouble-sub-saharan-african-debt-2016-10-18 Gevorkyan, A.V. and O. Canuto. (2016). Tales of Emerging Markets. Huffington Post (Aug 6). Available online: http://tinyurl.com/z7fxjrt Reprints on roubiniEconoMonitor http://tinyurl.com/jpnqcqg ; SeekingAlpha http://tinyurl.com/jt764jv ; Semancha http://tinyurl.com/jtlwsrn ; OCP Policy center http://tinyurl.com/zhvej8x Gevorkyan, A.V. and O. Canuto. (2016). Capital Flows and Deleveraging in Emerging Markets: the Great Portfolio Rebalancing. Huffington Post (Feb 26). Available online: http://tinyurl.com/zndccta Reprints on roubiniEconoMonitor http://tinyurl.com/zdds3ax ; SeekingAlpha http://tinyurl.com/hsasaae Gevorkyan, A.V. and O. Canuto. (2015). Toward a Migration Development Bank for Transition Economies. Huffington Post (June 2). Available online: http://tinyurl.com/pq7okdb Reprints on roubiniEconoMonitor http://tinyurl.com/nq2xsc3 ; SeekingAlpha http://tinyurl.com/nasu49m ; Omaha Sun Times http://tinyurl.com/oo3qbv7 Gevorkyan, A.V. 2012. Innovative fiscal policy and economic development: a social totality view. AngloHigher Vol. 4(1): 9-10: http://www.anglohigher.com/magazines/viewpdf_mag/118/42