Gevorkyan, A. V. 2023. Foreign exchange constraint and select developing economies: insights from the Caucasus and Central Asia. In Gevorkyan, A.V. (ed.) 2023. Foreign Exchange Constraint and Developing Economies. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing., pp. 2-28. Read here https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781800880504/book-part-9781800880504-8.xml Also available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4100618
- Gevorkyan, A. V. 2022. Diaspora networks? In Sven Horak (ed) Informal Networks in International Business Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 55-73. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83982-878-220221007
- Working paper version – available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=4016927
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2022. “Chapter 6: Leveraging the diaspora for innovation-driven sustainable development.” in Innovation for Sustainable Development: Review of Moldova. UNECE. https://unece.org/info/publications/pub/364780
- Gevorkyan, A. V. 2018. International business view of economic and institutional transformation in transitional periphery: Armenia and Georgia. In Mehmet Demirbag and Geoffrey Wood (eds), Comparative Capitalism and the Transitional Periphery: Firm Centered Perspectives 1st ed. (pp. 121-148). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781786430892.00012
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2018. Sketching the Dialectics in Economics Social Totality and Inadequacy of Static Equilibrium. Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Vol 49: 17-22. https://www.pdcnet.org/pdc/bvdb.nsf/purchase?openform&fp=wcp23&id=wcp23_2018_0049_0017_0022
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2016. Theory and practice in a sensible economic policy mix: a glance at Willi Semmler’s contribution to the field. In L. Bernard & U. Nyambuu (Eds.), Dynamic Modeling, Empirical Macroeconomics, and Finance: Essays in Honor of Willi Semmler (pp. 1-11). Springer International Publishing. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-39887-7_1
- Gevorkyan, A. V., Gevorkyan, A. 2016. Modeling Climate Change Effects on the Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources. In L. Bernard & U. Nyambuu (Eds.), Dynamic Modeling, Empirical Macroeconomics, and Finance: Essays in Honor of Willi Semmler (pp. 121-136). Springer International Publishing. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-39887-7_5
- Gevorkyan, A.V. and O. Canuto. 2016. Emerging Markets and the Post-2008 World. In A.V. Gevorkyan & O. Canuto (Eds.), Financial Deepening and Post-Crisis Development in Emerging Markets: Current Perils and Future Dawns (pp. 3-17). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/978-1-137-52246-7_1
- Bernard, L., Gevorkyan, A.V., Palley, T., and W. Semmler. (2015). Long-Wave Economic Cycles: the contributions of Kondratieff, Kuznets, Schumpeter, Kalecki, Goodwin, Kaldor, and Minsky. in Grinin, L.E., T.C.Devezas, and A.V.Korotayev (eds.) Kondratieff Waves: Julgar-Kuznets-Kondratieff. Volgograd: Uchitel
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2015. Diaspora business networks in transition economies: is there any effect on poverty alleviation? In Book of Summary Papers of the 9th International Symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education, De La Salle University and St. Thomas University, Manila, Philippines
- Casselman, R. Mitch (Colleague, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, 15%), Sama, L. M. (Colleague, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, 15%), Horak, S. (Colleague, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, 15%), Stefanidis, A. (Colleague, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, 15%), Lu, F. Victor (Colleague, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, 15%), Gevorkyan, A. V. (15%) & Carroll, R. (Colleague, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, 15%). 2015. ‘A Review of the Business Models, Mechanisms and Solutions for the Alleviation of Poverty,’ In Book of Summary Papers of the 9th International Symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education. De La Salle University and St. Thomas University, Manila, Philippines.
- Gevorkyan, Ar. and A.V. Gevorkyan. 2014. Sovereign Credit Default Swap Spread Volatility: A Spectral Analysis of Risk Premiums of Common Currency and Standalone Economies. In S. Coronado-Ramirez, P.L. Celso-Arellano, and C.O. Trejo-Pech (eds.) Nonlinear Time Series and Finance. Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2013. Sketching the dialectics in economics: social totality and inadequacy of static equilibrium. in Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Athens, Greece: Greek Philosophical Society. pp. 233-234. http://www.wcp2013.gr/en/
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2013. Dialectics in economics: social totality and inadequacy of static equilibrium. in Philosophical Problems of Social, Political, and Economic Development: Contemporary Realities. Ed. Rostov-on-Don, Russia: Rostov Technological Institute of Services and Tourism / South Russian State University of Economics and Services, pp: 299-310.
- Gevorkyan, A.V. and W. Semmler. 2013. The Taxing of the Rich: Hegel, Obama and the Rescue of the Welfare State. in Philosophical Problems of Social, Political, and Economic Development: Contemporary Realities. Ed. Rostov-on-Don, Russia: Rostov Technological Institute of Services and Tourism / South Russian State University of Economics and Services, pp: 311-333.
- WORKING PAPER version available here as Hegel and the welfare state: the income inequality problem of modern macroeconomics
- Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V. and Arkady Gevorkyan. 2012. “Derivatives, Commodities, and Social Costs: Exploring Correlation in Economic Uncertainty.” In Jonathan A. Batten, Niklas Wagner (ed.) Derivative Securities Pricing and Modelling (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Volume 94) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.47-70.
- Semmler, W. and A.V. Gevorkyan. 2011. Sailing out of crisis emerging markets style: blending fiscal-monetary rules, nominal targets, and debt dynamics in some transition economies, in J. A. Batten and P. G. Szilagyi (eds.) The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Emerging Financial Markets (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, V. 93), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.155-195; DOI: 10.1108/S1569-3759(2011)0000093007
- Gevorkyan, A.V. 2008. Innovative Fiscal Policy: Dialectics of Philosophic and Economic Identity. in Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Rethinking Philosophy Today. Seoul: Seoul National University; p:171.